3 Things All Entrepreneurs Must Remove In Order To Succeed


If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or just a regular person with a side business, then you have to take note of these 3 things which could potentially hinder your success. Now of course, this is more of a psychological aspect to business, and yet it is so important to have the right mindset and frame if you want to succeed in your business.

1. The Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is a fear which almost everyone knows about, and it is pretty straight forward because you might not do something if you are afraid of failing the task.

If you had a business idea or a project that you wanted to start, but due to the fear of failure, you might give reasons not to start, such as you don’t know enough yet, or the time ain’t right, and that is the most clearcut sign of the fear of failure – procrastination.

The fear of failure will prevent you from starting or doing something.

2. The Fear of Success

Surprise? Yes there is a fear of success. It is a lesser known fear so you might not realize it is real.

The fear of success is rather broad, as success can come with additional benefits of wealth, fame, and a lifestyle, so there could be possible minor fears in those areas as well, or just a fear of success in general.

If you started working on your business idea or a project and things seem to be going well, and suddenly, you might find your motivation and momentum start to drop until it comes to a complete stop or you just stalling and delaying things, this is also a form of procrastination which occurs midway and its a possible sign for the fear of success.

The fear of success can cause one to stop halfway through a task, due to doubts, sudden lost of motivation or energy.

3. The Fear of Change

The only constant is change, which makes this an interesting fear to have.

The fear of change can relate to almost everything in life, from change of relationship status, to change of home environment, a change in career or business, to a change in health. The fear of change keeps people in the comfort zone for a long time, and prevents them from moving forward.

From finding reasons why it isn’t a good idea to shift house, or change jobs, or starting a business, the fear of change can be observed in several situations. They might remain stuck for a long time in the same place.

The fear of change prevents growth in many ways, forcing them to be stuck in the comfort zone.

Bonus: The Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection comes about when you need to make a request, or talk to someone about something.

The fear of rejection can be seen in relationships and business as it concerns talking to people, in business context, usually the clients. Overthinking the process, one might feel the client won’t be happy about the price, or the product or service, which makes is harder for one to approach the client to initiate, make or close the sale. The fear of rejection might rear its head when you have business partners and stuck or fear about discussing a new idea with your partners.

Thus, usually when there is human or social interaction, will the fear of rejection affect one’s ability to communicate well.


While the 3 fears of failure, success, and change might seem to overlap with each other, they are distinctly different! Of course, you might have none of these fears, or 1, or 2, or all 3 of these fears. If you do recognize that you exhibiting some of the behaviors mentioned, you are then aware and can begin to learn more in order to tackle these fears so you can succeed much more easily.


This blog features articles by guest writers from LeeMcKing.sg

(Photo by Lê Minh