Important: Cut This To Start 2025 Afresh For Success


TL;DR: Cut away your friends who are unsupportive and negative, and find new positive friends so you can grow your success for 2025!

Jim Rohn said that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with

And we can also break it down into different aspects of life, the 5 people you hang around at work might influence you in how your career progresses, while the 5 people you hang around outside of work, might influence your personal life or relationships

Unless of course, those are the same people in your case

This is further emphasize in psychology with a term called neural synchronization

According to Wikipedia, neural synchrony refers to the phenomenon where there are similarities between two or more people over time the more they interact with each other

So what does that mean?

If you hang out with people who are positive, go-getters, you will likely be more positive and be a go-getter like them over time

Vice versa, if you hang out with people who are negative and naysayers, you will likely get more negative and become a naysayer yourself

I’m a hypnotist and I got a wide range of clients from all walks of life

One of my clients some time back was a sugar baby and her sugar daddy brought her along to meet his friends, and to her surprise, all of them were sugar daddies with their own sugar babies too

Naturally, they were all cheating on their wives

Another client many years ago, state that she and her friends are very into wellness and healing and they have attended countless seminars and courses and workshops… but at the end of all that, they still have their issues to deal with, they didn’t heal from their issues

And she felt enough was enough and that’s why she came for a hypnosis session with me

I told her, not to tell her friends that she came to see me, not to tell them she is doing hypnosis for healing

She was shocked to say the least, because she felt they are into wellness and healing and they will be happy for her to attend such a therapy session

True enough, when she told her friends about it, they “suddenly” become naysayers and claim that hypnosis won’t work, she won’t heal

And because of their words, the first hypnosis didn’t work

Thankfully, a few months later she decided to do the hypnosis again and this time, it worked beautifully well because she didn’t tell her friends about coming to see me

Now these examples are just to illustrate how our group of friends can influence us whether it is for positive or negative

And in the second example, you might call it a false positive because on the surface they appear into wellness and healing which is good, but internally, they probably didn’t want to heal and that’s why none of their issues were resolved

They are like course junkies in that sense

How to start 2025 with success?

We have to look at our network and be realistic with ourselves

Because truthfully, no one can help you except you yourself

Even if you go find a coach or a therapist, it was you that took that first step

And that’s why if you want to succeed and grow in 2025, take a look at your own network and see them from a third party perspective

Recognize who are the ones who might have a negative mindset (and by the way, you can also suggest to them to change their mindset and change their life but if they choose not to, letting them go is still better for you) and let them go

And those who are positive, have a chat with them, see how you can learn from them

Naturally, if you are an entrepreneur, being among successful entrepreneurs might also influence you towards your success!

That’s why Business Basket Networking aims to grow a community of like-minded individuals where we can collaborate and grow together!



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(Photo generated by Lee McKing using Leonardo AI)